The marriage age of Aisha(ra) with Prophet(pbuh)

There is lots of dispute over the sahih hadith of muslim & other sunni hadiths among shia’s that:

When did the Prophet(pbuh) marry & consummate with Aisha(ra)?

The hadith of sahih muslim is this:

Aishah ( رضي الله عنها ) reported that the Prophet (pbuh) married her when she was seven years old, and she was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he died she was eighteen years old.

Shia’s always curse Aisha(ra) & this hadith may have added more spice in shia minds.

Let me show you few shia sahih hadith about Aisha’s(ra) age of marriage with prophet S.A.W. (pbuh) & sahih/hasan/muwathaq hadiths about normal age of marriage:

Lets start with shia sahih hadith from Al-kafi, Tahdheeb & Wasaa’il:

Hadith 1: (This hadith is reported in three books namely Al-kafi, Tahdheeb & Wasaa’il with sahih chain of narrators)

إِنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ص دَخَلَ بِعَائِشَةَ وَ هِيَ بِنْتُ عَشْرِ سِنِينَ وَ لَيْسَ يُدْخَلُ بِالْجَارِيَةِ حَتَّى تَكُونَ امْرَأَةً

“The Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله entered upon (had sexual intercourse with) `Aa’ishah when she was 10 years old, and that one doesn’t enter (upon) a jaariyah (girl) until she became a woman.”

Source: Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol.7, pg. 388, hadeeth # 12, Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb Al-aHkaam, vol. 6, ch. 91, pg. 251, hadeeth # 493 & Al-`Aamilee, Wasaa’il Al-Shee`ah, vol. 1, ch. 4, pg. 44, hadeeth # 75

Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Sahih in Mir’aat Al-`Uqool, vol. 24, pg. 2352 & also Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Sahih Mawqoof in Milaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 10, pg. 102

Now let me quote sahih shia hadith about mature age of girl:

Hadith 2: Muwathaqa or Sahiha of Ibn Sinan from the Shaykh’s chain to Hasan bin Sam’ah –

الوسائل ج19 ص365 وتهذيب الأحكام ج9 ص184 والكافي ج7 ص68

الحسن بن سماعة عن جعفر بن سماعة عن آدم بياع اللؤلؤ عن عبدالله بن سنان عن ابي عبدالله عليه السلام قال: اذا بلغ الغلام ثلاث عشرة سنة كتبت له الحسنة وكتبت عليه السيئة وعوقب وإذا بلغت الجارية تسع سنين فكذلك وذلك انها تحيض لتسع سنين

Hasan bin Sam’ah from Ja’far bin Sam’ah from Adam Lu’lui fro Abdillah bin Sinan from Abu Abdillah (a.s) who said: When a boy reaches 13 years good and evil deeds are recorded for him and when a girl reaches nine years likewise and that is because she begins menstruating at nine.

Hadith 3: Hasana of Ibn Abi Umayr –

الخصال ص421 والوسائل ج20 ص104 ومستدرك الوسائل ج1 ص86/87

ما رواه محمد بن أبي عمير عن غير واحد، عن الإمام الصادق (عليه السلام): حدّ بلوغ المرأة تسع سنين

Ibn Abi Umayr from a person from al-Sadiq who said The bulugh of a woman is at nine.

Hadith 4: The Muwathaqa of Ibn Sinan – Wasail Shia Vol.13 Chapter 44 Hadith 12

قال: إذا بلغ الغلام ثلاث عشرة سنة كتبت له الحسنة، وكتبت عليه السيئة، وعوقب، وإذا بلغت الجارية تسع سنين فكذلك، وذلك أنها تحيض لتسع سنين

He (a.s) said : when the boy reaches 13 years of age the good and the bad deeds are recorded for him and similar when the girl reaches 9 years of age and that is because she menstruates at nine.

Some more reliable shia hadiths from Wasail ash-Shi`a, vol 1, muqaddima al-`ibada, chapter 4:


وعن محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن ابن محبوب، عن عبد العزيز العبدي، عن حمزة بن حمران، عن حمران قال: سألت أبا جعفر ( عليه السلام )، قلت له: متى يجب على الغلام أن يؤخذ بالحدود التامة، وتقام عليه، ويؤخذ بها؟ قال: إذا خرج عنه اليتم وأدرك، قلت: فلذلك حد يعرف به؟ فقال: إذا احتلم، أو بلغ خمس عشرة سنة، أو أشعر أو أنبت قبل ذلك، أقيمت عليه الحدود التامة، وأخذ بها وأخذت له، قلت: فالجارية، متى تجب عليها الحدود التامة، وتؤخذ بها، ويؤخذ لها ؟ قال: إن الجارية ليست مثل الغلام، إن الجارية إذا تزوجت، ودخل بها ولها تسع سنين ذهب عنها اليتم، ودفع إليها مالها، وجاز أمرها في الشراء والبيع، وأقيمت عليها الحدود التامّة، وأخذ لها بها، قال: والغلام لا يجوز أمره في الشراء والبيع، ولا يخرج من اليتم، حتى يبلغ خمس عشرة سنة، أو يحتلم أو يشعر أو ينبت قبل ذلك

ورواه محمد بن إدريس في آخر ( السرائر ) نقلا من كتاب ( المشيخة ) للحسن بن محبوب، مثله، إلا أنه أسقط قوله: عن حمران)

From Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Mahbub from `Abd al-`Aziz al-`Abdi from Hamza b. Hamran from Hamran.  He said:  I asked Abu Ja`far (as).  I said to him: When is it obligatory for a boy to take to the hudud completely, (that it be) established upon him, and that he be taken by it (?).  He said: When the state of orphanhood (al-yatm) leaves and he reaches maturity.  I said: Is there something by which this limit is known?  So he said: When he has a nocturnal emission, or he reaches fifteen years, or  he grow hair or grow pubic hair prior to that, the hudud are established upon him completely, he is taken by them, and they are taken for him.  I said:  So the girl, when does the hudud become obligatory upon her completely, she is taken by them, and they are taken for her?  He said:  The girl is not like the boy.  Verily, the girl when she marries and is entered upon (i.e. has sexual intercourse) and she is nine years old, the state of orphanhood leaves her, her property is given to her, her command is allowed in buying and selling, and the hudud are established upon her completely, and they are taken for her.   He said:  As to the boy, his command is not allowed in buying and selling, the state of orphanhood does not leave him until he reaches fifteen years, or he has a nocturnal emission, or he grows hair or he grows pubic hair prior to that.


وبالإسناد عن ابن محبوب، عن أبي أيوب الخرّاز، عن يزيد الكناسي، عن أبي جعفر ( عليه السلام ) قال: الجارية إذا بلغت تسع سنين ذهب عنها اليتم، وزوجت، وأقيمت عليها الحدود التامة لها وعليها، الحديث

By the isnad from Ibn Mahbub from Abu Ayyub al-Kharraz from Yazid al-Kinasi from Abu Ja`far (as).  He said: When the girl reaches nine years the state of orphanhood leaves her.  She is married, and the hudud are established for her and upon her completelyal-hadith. (i.e. Shaykh Hurr al-`Amuli has only quoted part of the hadith)

Some more reliable hadith from Wasa’il ash-Shi`a, Book of Marriage, Chapters 12 ( باب عدم جواز التمتع بالبنت قبل البلوغ بغير ولي)


[ 26462 ] 2 ـ وعنه ، عن أبيه ، عن ابن أبي عمير ، عن رجل ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : قلت : الجارية ابنة كم لا تستصبى ؟ أبنت ست أو سبع ؟ فقال : لا ، ابنة تسع لا تستصبى ، وأجمعوا كلهم على أن ابنة تسع لا تستصبى إلا أيكون في عقلها ضعف ، وإلا فإذا بلغت تسعا فقد بلغت .

And from him from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr from a man from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام.  He said: I said: The girl, at which age does she not a child?  A girl of six or seven?  So he said: No.  A girl of nine is not a child. And all of them concur that a girl of nine is not a child except that there be in her intellect a weakness, otherwise when she has reached nine she has become baligh.


[ 26463 ] 3 ـ محمد بن الحسن بإسناده ، عن الصفار ، عن موسى بن عمير ، عن الحسن بن يوسف ، عن نصر ، عن محمد بن هاشم ، عن أبي الحسن الاول ( عليه السلام ) قال : إذا تزوجت البكر بنت تسع سنين فليست مخدوعة .

Muhammad b. al-Hasan by his isnad from as-Saffar from Musa b. `Umayr from al-Hasan b. Yusuf from Nasr from Muhammad b. Hashim from Abu ‘l-Hasan the First عليه السلام.  He said: When a virgin girl of nine years is married then she is not duped.

Now lets move to shia scholars view on the marriage age of Aisha(ra) with prophet(pbuh):

1. Sheikh As-Saduq narrated it by his isnad from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Khath`ami from Muhammad b. Muslim.

أقول : وتقدم ما يدل على ذلك في أولياء العقد ، ولعل المراد بعشر سنين الدخول في العاشرة .

I say: And there has preceded what indicates upon that in the (chapters of) the awliya of the `aqd.  And perhaps the meaning of ten years is entrance in the tenth.

2. Ayatullah Khoei says that it is not permissible to have sex with girls under nine years of age (and hence permissible afterwards) and refers to these ahadith as evidence:

منها : صحيحة الحلبي عن أبي عبدالله (عليه السلام) ، قال : «إذا تزوّج الرجل الجارية وهي صغيرة ، فلا يدخل بها حتى يأتي لها تسع سنين» (1) .

ومنها : موثَّقة زرارة عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام) ، قال : «لا يدخل بالجارية حتى يأتي لها تسع سنين أو عشر سنين» (2) . وحيث إنّ الترديد في الحدّ أمر غير معقول فلا بدّ من حمل الحد الثاني على الأفضلية لا محالة .

ومنها : معتبرة غياث بن إبراهيم عن جعفر عن أبيه عن علي (عليهم السلام)، قال: «لا توطأ جارية لأقلّ من عشر سنين ، فإنْ فعل فعيبت فقد ضمن» (3


The first hadith is Sahih, second muwaththaq, and third mu`tabar according to Sayyid Khoei.

3. Here is a selection from the three Q/A articles I translated from Ayatollah Muhammad Ibrahim Jannaati that Allama al-hilli believe:

Question: What are the signs of sexual puberty according to the Shi`ah jurists?

Answer: From early times the Shi`ah jurists had ikhtilaf on this issue.

علامه حلى بلوغ را منوط به احتلام، رويش موى زبر و خشن بر عانه و رسيدن به نه سالگى در دختران و پانزده سالگى در پسران دانسته است، كه اين نظريه بين فقها مشهور است؛

Allamah al-Hilli viewed sexual maturity depending on ihtilam, the growth of rough and coarse hair in the pubic region and the reaching of 9 years of age for females and 15 years of age for males. This view is that which is mash’hoor amongst the jurists.

3. On Ayatollah Sayyid Fadlullah wesbite this

Q: Is it morally and traditionally permissible for a man of 32 to marry of woman who is barely 17 years old?

A: Why not: The prophet(p.), our role model, married Aisha when she wad 10 years old while he was 53 years. If both parties accept the marriage than there is nothing wrong with it.”

Refer: (Under the section of AGE)

Comment: So it is clear from above shia hadiths & view of shia scholars that the age of Aisha(ra)’s marriage with prophet(pbuh) was not illegal in any case. But shia are pure rafida’s they just want single narration to curse ummul-mominin hazrat aisha(ra) no-matter she is related with emotions of prophet(pbuh) or not.

& here is the great research work & must read for all, by brother sheikh ayman bin khalid:

Download from here: The Age of Aishah(ra) Marriage Between Historians and Hadith Scholars


Filed under Clarification about sunni hadiths, Rebuttals, Shiite's sahih hadith

4 responses to “The marriage age of Aisha(ra) with Prophet(pbuh)

  1. malik

    assalamu aleikom


    A collection of documents and translations for a critical study of the Shia in Islam.
    In Italian language.

    jazakom Allah khairan

  2. From these narrations it is as clear as light that the modern researches on the subject are correct and the age of Aisha
    was at least 17 or most possibly 18. I have read the report of the very famous Historian, writer and Journalist from Egypt
    Abbas Mehmoud Aqqad who after extensive researches came to the conclusion that she was a major , 17-18 years of age and was already bethroed for sometime and came to the matrimony of the Rasool e Akram (saaws) when her husband refused to take her when her father before going to Ethiopia asked him to take her. In fact if it is established that son of mutim married her earlier than the Rasool that will prove that her first marriage took place when she was a toddler ? What myth?
    Why she herself tried to propagate that she was a minor child and unmarried before coming to the nikah of the Prophet of Islam is any ones guess . This should be combined by her false rumor she propagated out of jealousy that Janab e Khadija Taherah was a widow and 40 while the fact is she was only 3 years senior and unmarried .

  3. About the truth of Ahadees Sahih , Abu Horairah in Bokhari said on the complaint of Jahannum of its vastness and lot of empty space (as if Allah was ma’azAllah ignorant of actual requirement) , Allah subhanahu wa Ta’ala put one of His (massive) leg in Jahannum to fill up the emptiness (what fun).
    Further Allah according to same narrator and book ” created Adam (a s ) in his own image . As if He has a size , shape and image the like of which He created Hazrat Adam (a s ) He is even given the dimensions too which make the original man a very tall man of thin proportion . So authentic and believable books these are . God bless.

  4. @ zaheerhussain
    so abu huraira is wrong to say it but donkey chain in al kafi is right????and the contradiction in concepts ????
    and about that abu huraira r.a. there is a shia/sunni debate going on.plz check it before commenting.

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