Ali (ra) is the ‘beast’ and the Shia are the flocks


This is the Tafseer taken from the most important Shia book of Tafseer by their scholar al-‘Ayyashi…

al-TabaTabaei himself said in the intro of his book of Tafseer:
وإن أحسن ما ورثناه من ذلك كتاب التفسير المنسوب إلى شيخنا العياشي رحمه الله وهو الكتاب القيم
“The best book we inherited from among them is the one attributed to our Sheikh al-‘Ayyashi may Allah have mercy on him, it is a valuable book.”

and he said:
فهو لعمري أحسن كتاب ألف قديما في بابه ، وأوثق ما ورثناه من قدماء مشايخنا من كتب التفسير بالمأثور . أما الكتاب فقد تلقاه علماء هذا الشأن منذ الف إلى يومنا هذا – ويقرب من أحد عشر قرنا – بالقبول من غير أن يذكر بقدح أو يغمض فيه بطرف
“It is certainly the best book compiled since ancient times in this domain, the most reliable of what we inherited from the scholars from the books of Tafseer with narration. As for the book, the scholars have taken it with acceptance since eleven centuries without criticizing it even slightly.”


Regarding the first verse of Surat al-Maeda:

{Permitted to you is the beast of the flocks} [5:1]

قول الله تعالى ( أُحِلَّتْ لَكُمْ بَهِيمَةُ الْأَنْعَامِ)(المائدة: من الآية1) ، وهو قوله : [عن المفضل قال : سألت الصادق عليه السلام عن قول الله : ” أحلت لكم بهيمة الأنعام ” قال البهيمة هيهنا الولي والأنعام المؤمنون ]. ينظر تفسير العياشي ( 1 / 290 )

al-Mufaddal said: I asked al-Sadiq (as) about the saying of Allah: “Permitted to you is the beast of the flocks” He (as) said: “The beast here is the Wali(Imam) and the cattle are the believers(Shia).”

source: Tafseer al-‘Ayyashi 1/290.

I know from Shia narrations that ‘Ali (ra) is described as a mosquito, and now he’s being described as a beast? an animal of grazing livestock?

Subhanallah! How stupid is this explanation?

Astaghferullah! Ayazubillah!

By Hani (aka TripolySunni)
Posted by 13S2010


Filed under Articles, Revealing Shia sect

5 responses to “Ali (ra) is the ‘beast’ and the Shia are the flocks

  1. Rasool Allah (saaws) came with the message of Islam and in his audiance of tabligh e deen there were all kind of people even such who set out with open Sword to kill him and all kind of Jahils . In his sermons he had to give day to day examples and Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a s) already gave a suitable meaning what the Prophet of Islam really meant , a Leader of the flock of animals like .
    Rasool Allah (s) also said that there will be a lot of people who will hate Ali (a s) and they will all go to Jahannum.. Hate is expressed in many ways some people
    get pleasure in saying all such things and obtain pleasure at the same time earn the rewards for their hereafter So Hani has already chosen his destination. If there was any love and respect , peoples have always refered
    the Maula e Kaenaat as the lion , which also is a beast anyway , So what is important is the aim and what is in the heart. .

    • The article is exposing the Shiites scholars and how they make fun of and insult Amir al-Muminin Ali bin abi Talib (ra).

    • Shani

      Regarding haters of Ali just go back to your own book nahj ul balagah Sermon 126 and you will see who are the real enemies of ahle bayt and Ali, it’s you Shia and the khawarijites and ali said follow majority of Muslims and who are majority mmmmm…. Jog on.

  2. Salam bro. Great post.

    May I add the reference to the beast and attributing it to Sayyiduna Ali KaramAllahhul wajhulkareem is mentioned in tafsir of sura namal ayah number 82. According to the Shia.

    “[Yusufali 27:82] And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), we shall produce from the earth a beast to (face) them: He will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs.”

    In the English translation of “kitab as sulaym al hilali” the book says that the beast refers to the Commander of the faithful Ali (ra) I have the book have read it and brought it from the very house of the Shia alim who translated it.

  3. Also more evidence, al multilingual quran project which comes up first hit on a google search says on the Shia tafsir of this ayah by pooya.

    Aqa Mahdi Puya says:

    Read verse 82 in the light of the commentary of verse 110 of Ali Imran wherein Allah addresses the best group raised among men to enjoin good and to prevent them from doing evil and mischief. In the end, before the final judgement is to be passed, the alive created being who will be brought forth from the earth to speak to the people should be of the same class and category, a human being of utmost accomplishments duly privileged to address the good as well as the wicked people. It is stated in the next verse that a group of disbelievers from every people will be gathered together before the day of resurrection. This is a day of partial resurrection (qiyamat sughra or raj-at). According to authentic traditions of the Ahl ul Bayt the living being referred to here is Imam Ali ibn abi Talib.”

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